Tuesday 27 April 2021

How does high asset divorce work in New York?

Ending a marriage is one of the most difficult decisions a person will ever make. This is especially true for couples with considerable assets: the greater the number of assets involved, the more challenging the divorce can become. Who keeps the condo? Who keeps the vacation home? What about stocks, mutual funds, and cash in bank accounts? Is there a pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement that now needs to be enforced? These questions must be answered through a legal process that requires the specialized skills of a high asset divorce lawyer.

New York is an equitable distribution state. This means that in the event of a divorce, assets will be divided fairly as determined by the court. It’s not simply a 50/50 split as the court will consider many factors in ultimately arriving at its decision, which is why having a competent high asset divorce lawyer is critical for wealthy individuals living in New York, who are considering divorce.

Why Hire A High Asset Divorce Lawyer?

Now you might be thinking: Aren’t all divorce attorneys the same? Well, if you or and your spouse, own assets above $1M, do you want to put a divorce process, that will have serious consequences on your future, in the hands of someone who has never handled the complex details of a high asset divorce? If you’re in a high asset union, one error, one small oversight could cost you hundreds of thousands, or perhaps, millions. There’s simply too much at stake for you to take any chances.

Whether you’re an executive or business owner who has worked hard to build a substantial asset portfolio or a stay-at-home parent who has sacrificed a career for the sake of raising your children, you need to protect your interests.

Choosing The Right High Asset Divorce Lawyer.

Finding the ideal attorney may be the difference between you receiving a fair settlement or walking away feeling wronged. You should seek the services of lawyers with proven track records. Select an attorney who has served clients with similar circumstances as yours, and was able to secure a favorable settlement.

Even though experience and legal skills are a must, it’s also important that you find an attorney who will listen to you keenly, but also one who is prepared to challenge your positions if they distract from, or worse, jeopardize the outcome you desire.

Get A First-Class High Asset Divorce Lawyer in NYC

A skillful and experienced attorney is a must-have if you’re in New York and considering leaving a high asset marriage, or have been threatened with divorce, or have already been served with divorce papers. You should seriously consider retaining the services of Juan Luciano, a top-rated divorce attorney who leads a firm that specializes in high asset cases, to help you navigate the unique challenges of your divorce.

With over 15 years of experience in assisting high-asset clients to achieve favorable divorce settlements, Juan Luciano Divorce Lawyer is ready to help you. We have served many wealthy clients across New York, giving them the advice and legal strategies necessary to obtain favorable settlements. Call Juan Luciano today to schedule an appointment.

Juan Luciano Divorce Lawyer Juan Luciano https://divorcelawfirmnyc.com/how-does-high-asset-divorce-work-in-new-york/ How does high asset divorce work in New York?

source https://divorcelawfirmnyc.com/how-does-high-asset-divorce-work-in-new-york/

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