Tuesday 12 January 2021

Top Rated New York City Matrimonial Lawyer Juan Luciano Is Answering Questions About Divorce

New York City divorce attorney Juan Luciano is answering his clients’ burning questions on his blog. In the latest addition to his blog, he answers the question of whether clients going through a divorce should tell their lawyer every detail of their case.

Juan Luciano starts by saying that disclosure is the key to getting the best representation from a lawyer. A lawyer is the client’s staunchest legal advocate who must be made privy to all the details that may or may not seem important towards the proceedings. Juan says that withholding information can end up hurting the client. The way Juan describes it in the blog post, the lawyer should be made part of the good, the bad, and the ugly of the case’s details. Full disclosure allows the lawyer to be proactive instead of reactive and prevents them from getting blindsided at the last moment.

things to discuss with your divorce lawyer

Juan Luciano says that the client should bring up all of the histories of physical abuse, mental abuse, or cruelty, sexual infidelity, drug or alcohol addiction, mental health diagnosis, a prior criminal record, and hidden assets that the spouse could present as evidence. Keeping this kind of information from the divorce lawyer can set the client up for problems when they invariably come to light and can keep the lawyer from being able to assist the client strategically to their benefit.

Brooklyn divorce lawyer Juan says that the client should keep attorney-client privilege in mind which states that all communications between the client and the lawyer are confidential. The lawyer cannot divulge anything the client may have told him or her or share it with others. This is purposely meant to encourage a client to be open with their lawyer so he or she can effectively represent the client. Juan says that in every meeting with the lawyer, the client should be able to feel confident that whatever they say will remain secret and amongst themselves, even if what the client tells their attorney is not something they are particularly proud of.

Juan also goes on to explain that divorces that end on bitter terms should never hide assets as the spouse’s lawyer has many ways of tracking down assets through forensic accountants and deposing others to testify. Hiding of assets not only works to the client’s disadvantage in the eyes of the court but it ends up costing them more in attorney’s fees in defending their case. Juan stresses again the importance of being frank and open with the lawyer as the lawyer can only stand a good chance to defend the client if the client divulges all the ways in which they can be attacked by the spouse’s legal defense. Juan says that hiding information and assets is a bad idea and is counterproductive to the client’s best interest. Juan says that the lawyer will have had experience dealing with most issues and will know how to frame them to lessen the severity for their client.

When asked about his practice, Juan Luciano says, “If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, your first priority is to find an attorney that you feel comfortable with. We have represented clients since 2008 through some of the most difficult times of their lives. We take the time to listen and guide you, no matter what your situation may be. Our office is dedicated solely to the practice of domestic relations and family law. We endeavor to represent our clients with their best interests in mind. We provide sincere legal advice and zealous advocacy based on our experience representing men, women, and children in divorce, custody and visitation matters, family offense petitions, and other matters related to families. Call us for an initial consultation to discuss your needs. We promise strict confidentiality and the best defense that your money can buy.”


The office of Juan Luciano can be reached at (212) 537-5859. Those who prefer email can reach him at juan@divorcelawfirmnyc.com. More information about the practice can be read at https://divorcelawfirmnyc.com/matrimonial-lawyer-new-york-city/.

from Press Releases https://www.pressadvantage.com/story/40752-top-rated-new-york-city-matrimonial-lawyer-juan-luciano-is-answering-questions-about-divorce

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